Saturday, February 6, 2021

Gender Differences

This topic can be a little risky because many of us believe gender can be expressed differently or it has to stay a certain way. So, I’m going to speak respectfully about the matter. I believe a century ago, gender wasn’t a difficult topic to talk about. Gender went according to the biology of the body and people married those of the opposite sex. 

To start off, I saw a study of gender differences between girls and boys. Girls are taught to play with dolls, make up, playhouse, and mostly being gentle with others.  Whereas boys were taught to play with cars, toy guns, ball, and mostly being interactive. When they were put together, they were asked to describe their opposites. As a result, the boys and girls only underestimated each other. Some parents have experimented with their kids since birth by giving them the same toys. In this experiment, parents have found that girls were not as interested in the same toys as the boys were. 

I believe there needs to be a culture where there can be taught to respect and appreciate each other. We were built to be different but that does not mean that that one is better than the other. Our skills, abilities, and experiences help us grow to become the person we can be tomorrow. It helps us unite one another and our gender does matter because it defines our identity.

It’s crazy to believe how the world has changed over time. Now, there are those who consider themselves to be more than male or female and where their sexuality stands. As I see it in the other side of the spectrum of homosexuality and gender fluidity, it has become more acceptable in the world whereas it was hardly acceptable decades ago. Although I do not support same sex marriage, I have a respect for individuals who choose that path because it is not easy to live under those circumstances. For one thing, it can be difficult to accept their new sexuality and become comfortable with it. Their family can be affected and may have to go through some changes whether they support it or not. Some of the consequences this group of people may experience are the feeling of loneliness, depression, anxiety, and such because they may find it challenging to fit in a place that is different from them. I still believe no matter who we are and where we come from, there is a need to have respect for each other. No one really knows how same sex attraction happens because only the person who is going through this experience can understand what is happening. 

I know of someone who took time to know who he really was. As a young kid, he felt different from the other boys. He was more attracted to the arts, reading, and spending more time with girls. While his brother had an interest in of playing outside with the other kids. As he grew up, he felt nervous hanging out with other boys. It was as if he was bashful to speak with them. He didn’t feel that way when he talked to girls. He felt confused and decided to know the meaning of this. As the years went by, he began to open up his feelings and even though he would be rejected, he never gave up. His feelings were strong and knew he couldn’t hide it anymore. He decided to tell his family and even though, it took time for them accept these differences. They always knew he was different from the way he acted. Nonetheless, they were supportive of him and love him for who he is. 

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